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Flour Club

Basically this is a poor man's paint ball.

The group is divided up into teams. At least one member of each team is assigned the role of paramedic and given:

  • A red-cross armband
  • A spray-bottle filled with water
  • A cloth/towel

Everyone else is given a sock filled with a cup of flour.

The object of the game is to hit the opposition team members with the flour club.


  • If you have a flour mark on your back, chest or legs, you are considered injured and can not move until your team's paramedic cleans you up.
  • Hitting some one over the head or on the neck is a violation of theĀ Geneva Convention and results in your flour being given to your victim who is then allowed to walk over to paramedic or find some other means to clean the offending flour off.

The winning team is the one with either the most kills or the most players still walking at the end of a predetermined time.